Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kingdom Hearts and Free Time


I just spent about 200 cumulative hours playing Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II (normal mode) and Kingdom Hearts II (proud mode).

What did I used to spend my free time doing, before that franchise sucked me in? I forget. It's been a while.


Ilan said...

What'dja think? Particularly of Kingdom Hearts 2. Is that game accessible without having played the previous game?

Ola said...

where are you?
come back :(

Stephenls said...

I'm actually working on a big review essay thing about the Kingdom Hearts series, but at the moment, to my great shame, I have fallen into Bleach fandom. I have a couple hundred odd episodes to watch.

Ola said...

Oh my. Then you are completely forgiven - i mean, Bleach will hurt you enough (but in a good way!).
Just come back alive from that deep colourful sharp-haircut world :)
And I'm waiting for the review!

Anonymous said...

Bleach Is awesome...

Do you only watch the anime, or do you actually keep up with the Manga?