Friday, January 4, 2008

First post!11one!


I'm Stephen Lea Sheppard, I review video games for Vice Magazine and their website Viceland, I write freelance for tabletop RPGs, I moderate on the RPGnet forums and I played Harris on Freaks and Geeks and Dudley in The Royal Tenenbaums. I also drove an airport cart in a Mario Kart: Double Dash commercial once. You will note that my credentials for writing about video games are rubbish. That's okay.

This is my blog for talking about video games in all the ways I don't have space to do at Vice, because in my efforts to see how other game reviewers do things, I've discovered a few of them keep blogs like this. It's different from my other blog, Output, in that it's about games in specific. Hopefully this won't be a mere exercise in cargo cultism.

That should probably cover the introduction.


barrymcw said...

Hi Stephen,
Great to see the new blog. I hope you find time to keep it updated.



muk1 said...

Hello Stephen!

I'm watching Freaks and Geeks (again) and browsed the internet randomly when I stumbled upon this blog of yours. I really like your character in the show and I'm especially waiting for the episode where you and the geeks play DnD with Daniel, for I myself have started playing DnD for the first time of my life and I find it very fascinating.
Keep up the good work and if you have the time, check my doodling blog aswell. That sounded like a bad ad.. Oh well.

- Aaro

ninjawookie said...

I wrote briefly for a year on the subject of comic books and video games for my local free press, they only gave me about 150 words per book or game which made ultimately made it unsatisfying, because it wasn't really enough to say much of anything. Then again I not write good, editor hates me! Oh GOD!